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"Investigar en Secundaria"
The research Symposium "Investigar en Secundaria" was developed on April, the 18 &,19th, 2016 in Ramiro de Maeztu High school, Madrid.
Along the event, 24 research projects were exhibited, coming from 9 Secondary schools of the Autonomous Community of Madrid. The Symposim opening has the participation of David Cervera, Subdirector General de Innovaciónand Jaime Pérez del Val, Jefe del Área de Cultura Científica (CSIC).
Click on the links to take a look to the scientific posters, which were presented to the audience. In order to correct open, we suggest Firefox o Explorer

Centros participantes
IES Carpe Diem (Fuenlabrada)
IES Clara Campoamor (Móstoles)
IES El Espinillo (Madrid)
IES Juan Gris (Móstoles)
IES Las Canteras (Collado-Villalba)
IES Lázaro Cárdenas (Collado-Villalba)
IES María Guerrero (Collado-Villalba)
IES Ramiro de Maeztu (Madrid)
IES San Mateo (Madrid)

Organiza: IES Ramiro de Maeztu

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